10 Books On My TBR List

For today I thought I would do a slightly different post and show you some new items to my TBR (to be read) list. This post will allow me to catch up with some reading for reviews and although I have been known to start and finish a book in a day this doesn’t happen every day! The inspiration for this post came from Stephen Writes so make sure to check out his original post.

These are in no particular order and mostly includes books I still need to buy.

Normal People – Sally Rooney

I have to be honest and say that the hype surrounding this book is really what drew my attention to it. All of a sudden everyone seemed to be reading it had each had a different opinion about it. The TV series based on is another reason that I want to read this book. My sister binged it and absolutely loved it but I am determined to read the book before I do this.

The Flat Share – Beth O’Leary

This is another book that was brought to my attention through the love for it on Twitter. I have seen so many good reviews about it and that has made me want to read it. This is the kind of romance novel that I absolutely love and will be great to read after finishing some of the darker thrillers to cheer me back up. After Beth’s review especially I cannot wait to read it.

My Sister, the Serial Killer – Oyinkan Braithwaite

I was looking through the Amazon bestsellers and came across this. The concept of this book and the uniqueness was really what drew me to it. One sister that kills her boyfriends and the other the helps to cover it up. With having a sister myself I’m really curious to see how this book develops and how the sibling relationship is displayed.

Where the Blame Lies – Mia Sheridan

It was Ashes Books & Bobs‘s review of Kyland that introduced me to this author. After finding other people also raving about her I looked at her page on Amazon and picked one of the books that really intrigued me. I love romance novels that also have darker elements so can’t wait to read this one.

The Hunting Party – Lucy Foley

I have seen this is so many book shops (before lockdown) and this is what initially sparked my interest in this novel. The synopsis doesn’t give a lot away about the novel but really alludes to a very interesting concept and take on a murder mystery novel. I have actually bought this one because the kindle edition is only 99p at the moment!

It – Stephen King

This book as been on my TBR list for as long as I can remember. I have seen the first film and I am terrified of clowns but I have heard amazing things about this novel and that it is much better than the film. My dad has also said it is a book I really should read and hopefully I make time to read it because it is a hefty story!

All the Light We Cannot See – Anthony Doerr

I have heard amazing things about this novel and really its Amazon review score speaks for it. This isn’t my usually type of novel and I think this is what has also made me more interested to read it as I would like to branch out to novels that aren’t just my usual. I also love that World War II is a backdrop to this story as a setting such as this usually adds an interesting element.

Goldfinch – Donna Tartt

I have previously read Donna Tartt’s The Secret History and I absolutely loved it and loved her writing style. If you haven’t read it I would 100% recommend you adding it to you TBR list. Because of my love for The Secret History I really wanted to give this a go as it has also had amazing reviews. It is another book that has been on my TBR list for a long time I have never actually got round to buying the book.

Blood Orange – Harriet Tyce

This is another book that I have seen everywhere and seems to be really high in all the book charts. The dual narrative element to the synopsis really stood out to me and has set the book up for some high expectations on my part. Also the fact that the main character is a criminal lawyer is just another reason for me to add this to my TBR list.

The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving A F**k – Sarah Knight

I know this is a different type of choice to the rest of the books in my list as this is a self-development non-fiction book. Other than the fact I know this comes in a gorgeous hardback what really drew me to this book was the brutal honesty to it. Sarah Knight has been called the anti-guru because of her bluntness and way of conveying her message. After a kind of tough year this is on my TBR list basically because I want to learn how to not give a f**k what people think of me and to just do what makes me happy.

So there is is, a small selection of the books that I have on my TBR list. I have so many more stored on my Amazon wish list but this is just a small sample. It can be so easy to be swept away by book tours, NetGalley and works being sent to you so this is just a little reminder for me of what I want to read for me. I don’t intend that I will finish even half of these this month but hopefully I will have by the end of the year at least!

Have you read any of these or have any opinions on them? Let me know in the comments. And as always if you have any suggestions for me to add to my bookshelf please let me know.


  1. I’m so happy to finally see books on someone’s list that I actually read 😀 «All the Light We Cannot See» is an amazing book! I hope you’ll like it (It did make me cry through 🙂 ).
    «My Sister the Serial Killer» was very good as well, and very short, which is always a plus 😀

    And «Normal People» had the most frustrating events and characters, but in a good way.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my gosh, so many good books on here! I loved The Goldfinch purely because of the symbology of the painting through the plot-line of the novel. The Flat Share was a really fun lighted-hearted read too! I massively binged the Normal People TV series so now I think the book will always be ruined for me! Hope you enjoy your reads! 🙃

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved The Goldfinch, I still need to read The Secret History though! I’m in the camp of people who love Normal People (and the series – OMG). I really want to read All the Light We Cannot See too. Just adding it to my list so I don’t forget …

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much for tagging me! This is a great list. I’ve read many of these and basically all the rest are on my TBR also. Where the Blame Lies was great! I also just finished Normal People, I definitely want to read The Hunting Party, and I LOVED The Flat Share!


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